1.born again as a different person, animal, or thing after death
1.If as in the past, you reincarnated it would most likely be with souls who were able to at least partly fulfill your life plan.
2.Toward the end of his hard life, the burro becomes the property of a gentle old man who sees him as a reincarnated saint.
3.If you were reincarnated, I hope God will bring me into a good man, and you still you, and not just you, or my dear love, my "buddy" !
4.She says I'm so much like you, Mum, that she'd think I was you reincarnated if I didn't love reading so much.
5.It would be glamorous to be reincarnated as a great big ring on Liz Taylor's finger.
6.He was subsequently reincarnated as a Death Knight in the body of a fallen knight of Stormwind.
7.James Carville, a political adviser to Bill Clinton, wanted to be reincarnated as the bond market so he could "intimidate everybody" .
8.Jian Shen son said, If you were reincarnated, she would not choose to marry Kan Naoto.
9.Last month, though, the former military headquarters of a colonial power was reincarnated as a "management campus" for UBS.
10.IF JIMMY HOFFA were reincarnated as a modern trade unionist, he would probably represent civil servants.