1.The non-refundable deposit is to be exclusively used for damage compensation to contestants and consumers or as payment for fines.
2.NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of 100% of tour price is required at time of booking. The price is only refundable when tour cannot be confirmed.
3.For a $5 service fee and a refundable $10 cancellation fee, customers were able to layaway presents without going deeper in debt.
4.On payment of a refundable deposit of 160 and completion of an Insurance Proposal an Insurance Policy number can be issued to the student .
5.Enrolment fee is not refundable unless HKPC is notified in writing of your withdrawal at least 5 working days before the course commences.
6.So far, Obama's stimulus package does not include refundable credits, though they could be included in later legislation.
7.To fly for less money, you can buy non-refundable plane tickets two or three months before your trip.
8.As some of our services are non-refundable, the request must be reviewed and approved by our billing department.
9.Subscription fees are non-refundable and must be paid in advance and cannot be interchanged.
10.A complete set of bid documents may be purchased by a bidder for a non-refundable fee of RMB3000 per set.