1.On its face, there does seem to be a conflict, but I propose that we reframe the question.
2.If your work is not a calling, can you reframe it to see it as more than just a pay cheque?
3.To that end, we reframe the initial discussion in somewhat broader terms as it is necessary to see true excellence in build and release.
4.There's a movement going on right now to reframe mental illness as a positive -- at least the hypomanic edge part of it.
5.If you're mired down by past events, seek out a professional to help you reframe and refocus your energies.
6.The economic crisis has seen governments across the continent reframe Brussels as part of the problem rather than a solution.
7.Their mind will be able to reframe the fearful energy into anticipation of an exciting experience.
8.Reframe It lets you comment on the text of any website without the permission of the site.
9.If you tend to focus on your weaknesses or flaws, you can learn to reframe negative thoughts and focus instead on your positive qualities.
10.Wu Yongjiang: To the system I basically am disapproved of reframe system.