1.to replace one loan with another one on which you pay less interest
1.The accord amounted to an implicit assurance to help Athens if it had problems in refinancing debt in April and May.
2.As a bank, the European financial stability facility would be able to access ECB liquidity in a refinancing crisis.
3.A finance ministry spokesman said the abortive auction did not mean the government has refinancing problems.
4.Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under.
5.By refinancing, he said, we could take out the money we needed and lower our monthly payments!
6.By the time the U. S. loan crisis, the British credit market funds is weak, the major banks in refinancing costs soar.
7.Financing and refinancing of the re-opening, the A-share market, the threat is no less than any of a blockade.
8.You may be negotiating with the bank about a loan, mortgage, or refinancing plan, or asking your university for financial aid.
9.Help may take the form of a guarantee on refinancing bonds or an outright purchase of those bonds by Greece's rescuers.
10.If the borrower later finds that the company needs to raise additional money, it may do so by refinancing an existing loan.