1.When the section redesign is complete, add it to your live site, even if it has a look that's markedly different from your current site.
2.One of the great joys of working in software is the ease with which you can design, build, and redesign and rebuild something.
3.While it's easy to redesign the look & feel of a site, it's much more difficult to redesign the URL structure.
4.The main challenge of this redesign is for the pillows at all ibis hotels to be memorable enough to make them worth being their logo.
5.Following suit, companies are beginning to redesign the appearance of some of the most-beloved kids' cartoons and toys.
6.I suspect that the hospital had already invested too much money into the project to be willing to pay for a system redesign.
7.How can American educators do a better job of deciding when a child is ready to start school and perhaps even redesign kindergarten itself?
8.Our secondary criterion was to redesign the system in such a way that we could allow for replicas of an R&R database on multiple servers.
9.All this sounds fine, if overdue; but can the FSA really reform itself without a more radical redesign of the system?
10.The Home Office Minister, Alan Campbell, said the redesign could make a significant difference to the number of revellers who are injured.