1.The redeployment has been characterized as minor, with Pakistani officials calling it a "minimum defense measure. "
2.A likely knock-on effect will be a redeployment of catastrophe cover elsewhere, probably driving prices lower for a time.
3.In the case of Message Broker wrapper message flows, these changes require the redeployment of a message set dictionary.
4.This redeployment of US forces in South Korea could be deemed as the biggest US defense posture change since the Korean War.
5.This process of migration is one that will follow the steps as set out in the above section "Service Migration and Redeployment" .
6.To be in charge of management of militia weaponry, redeployment and strength statistic and ensuring the safety of weapon without accidents.
7.The redeployment features of most servlet containers, application servers and OSGi implementations each work along the same lines.
8.Two senior senators from Mr. Bush's own Republican Party are pressing the president to begin planning for the redeployment of U.
9.The re-organization involved the permanent redeployment of a total of 483 posts comprising professional, taxation and general grades staff.
10.The integration of JRebel into the IDE allows seamless code changes without the need for a redeployment.