1.But after losses and redemptions, that figure now is $30 billion, according to people close to the matter.
2.As the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, money market funds have begun to hoard cash in case they have to meet a surge of redemptions.
3.Mr. Sorkin, Mr. Madoff's lawyer, said most of the money taken in by the fallen financier was paid to other investors as redemptions.
4.Others have suspended redemptions, citing a desire to use existing cash for new opportunities rather than repaying investors.
5.It would not bail out tottering funds but would buy securities from their healthy peers in a panic, helping them to meet redemptions.
6.After the losses and redemptions of 2008, many hedge funds are trying to attract new capital.
7.The fund has more than enough cash to meet redemptions up to the 10 per cent level, she added.
8.With hedge funds facing redemptions and using much less leverage, mutual funds may now be picking up the baton.
9.When a wave of redemptions hit the Madoff funds, the Ponzi scheme, as Mr Madoff himself reportedly called it, became unworkable.
10.Assets fell by a quarter, reflecting both losses and client redemptions, which are expected to accelerate.