1.a shape with four straight sides and four angles of 90º
1.Green Trace is shaped as a rectangle and can be placed by the side of the door.
2.Returns a collection of strokes that have at least the specified percentage of length within the specified rectangle.
3.its cover photo is one of a pair of eyes staring through a rectangle cut in black fabric.
4.Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height.
5.Gets the width and height of a rectangle centered on the point the mouse button was pressed, within which a drag operation will not begin.
6.The ball either stopped behind the rectangle and was hidden from view, or kept rolling along the table until it disappeared from the scene.
7.Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), and then make a triangular selection around the bottom corner of the rectangle.
8.Fold the long narrow rectangle in half from bottom to top, so the open end of the pillowcase is now at the top.
9.The project of this cascade was thought over thoroughly by the emperor. It has the form of a rectangle with ledges and eight fountain bowls.
10.Each booking is represented by a colored rectangle, the color depends on the state of the booking, with the name of the guest.