1.Review your list of mental throwaways every morning for at least two weeks and recommit to eliminating them from your day-to-day thinking.
2.Recommit Navi Pillay, the U. N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, called for a renewed commitment by member states.
3.Leaders will review the International Monetary Fund and its resources, with , and recommit to free trade.
4.The US and Europe should use it to recommit themselves to the task of building rules, trust and partnerships for our global world.
5.She was reinstated after she made a public pledge to recommit to ping.
6.Using each day to recommit yourself to positive thinking and intention will help you create the life you want and that you deserve!
7.Then look at your calendar and deliberately recommit to how you are going to use the next hour.
8.Even though Russia, Canada and Japan earlier vowed not recommit to Kyoto, they signed onto the new agreement that will take effect later.
9.Use the occasion to make a pledge to recommit yourselves to the marriage and be more attentive and aware of each other's needs.
10.So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together.