1.The CIP sequence is similar to that of the Maintenance Wash with longer recirculation and soaks sequences.
2.The invention relates to a device for controlling hydrogen discharged by an internal combustion engine by thermal exhaust recirculation.
3.The key to an EGR system is introduced, and the control of exhaust gas quantity recirculation quantity of that in every point at best.
4.The arrangement of the glass ball between the internal stopper and the piston is provided with the function of recirculation resistance.
5.Pipe plugs can be used to easily shut off recirculation Electrical connection via liquid-tight miniature connector Uses new threadless ?
6.During extended periods of little or no wastewater flow, clarifier effluent can be pumped back to the pretreatment tank for recirculation.
7.However, when recirculation (or refluxing) processes become the major transport mechanism in later time, the two cases have less difference.
8.Vapors generated during the operation of a pump on recycle or during recirculation can cause tank overpressure.
9.However, each installation should be evaluated for its own recirculation requirements of gpm and pipe resistance.
10.Room air engineering systems for kitchens shall be operated only by outside air. Recirculation mode of operation is not allowed.