1.Testers are easy to carry, they are compact, lightweight, and powered by a rechargeable.
2.This card is only allowed to use within the company and is rechargeable.
3.Think about it for a minute, most of us use non-rechargeable batteries for sex toys that get thrown away and end up in a landfill.
4.When BYD was listed in HK exchange in 2002, it was well known as a one of the leading rechargeable battery makers.
5.Also, by replacing one of the chemical components of rechargeable batteries, more energy can be created by the same-sized battery.
6.I'd like to put in a word here, never use disposables in the office, use recycled printer cartridges and rechargeable batteries.
7.Incorporated with rechargeable lithium battery, this Apple iPod has the ability to go on up to 36 hours of music when fully charged.
8.In gadgets in which you want incredibly high power in a very small package, lithium ion is the current standard for rechargeable batteries.
9.Power is supplied by an internal rechargeable battery (lithium-ion prismatic cell), by an external voltage, or through the USB host.
10.Each of AV's production small UAS can be launched and operated by one person, and is powered by a replaceable and rechargeable battery pack.