1.During the hearing the focus is the legality of deductions alleged by the supermarket and reasonableness of the amount of money.
2.A concept of mean thickness of a design domain is provided to ensure the reasonableness of optimal results.
3.It also points out that the availability of statistical data and reasonableness of estimate method should be taken account of.
4.The reason why the introduction of fuel tax welcomed by all, is to use the frequency of its use to determine the reasonableness of the cost.
5.Unfortunately, among the many extraordinary qualities politicians possess, reasonableness is not necessarily the first springs to mind.
6.The intellect is always held in abeyance by the spirit of reasonableness, and still more by the writer's artistic sensibility.
7.As yet, she cannot even be certain of the degree of her own regard nor of its reasonableness.
8.This term also refers to the policy of postponing recognition of revenue to a later date when a range of reasonableness choice exists.
9.Within the Indian state of Jammu &Kashmir itself are signs of a new-found reasonableness.
10.The game player would come out to reasonableness gradually from reasonableness when he comes from the virtual world to the real one.