1.It is now becoming necessary, on a near daily basis, to re-evaluate just how much independence its economy enjoys.
2.Taking time to re-evaluate lets you see how far you've come, how much you've accomplished and how far you still have to go.
3.I think it's important that we re-evaluate how much our feelings are really aligned with our actions.
4.However, closing this chapter in my life allowed me to open a new one, as it caused me to re-evaluate my career goals.
5.We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.
6.The question now is whether the U. S. will re-evaluate its nuclear power plans in the wake of this latest meltdown.
7.The authors write that their goal was to apply multi-criteria decision analysis modelling to re-evaluate drug harms in the U.
8.The increase might not be what you'd get in better times, though, so set a time to re-evaluate it in six months.
9.It has begun asking users to re-evaluate their privacy settings, and is encouraging them to make information publicly available.
10.After you've been working at a goal for a while it's great to revisit and re-evaluate.