1.a small tool or piece of electrical equipment used for shavingremoving hair from your skin
1.And anyway, the marketing idea behind it had been around for decades, if not centuries, before safety razors were invented.
2.Third, a number of easy to lose sight of the personal life of items such as toothbrushes, razors and razor, towels used to be their own.
3.His eyes twinkle as he praises the properties of witch-hazel and displays a set of antique razors.
4.Demographic stance : Everyone in the world will eventually shave with disposable razors (well, at least the men in the world would ) .
5.It promises, "We'll make men out of you yet, " while also promoting Gillette razors, Head & Shoulders shampoo and other company products.
6.Plucking and razors leaves unwanted stubbles for you, so if you're tired of these cave-man ways of hair removal techniques read on.
7.The gauntlets had their razors made retractable and able to be fired.
8.GenTech just makes the equipment -- equivalent to selling only razors when most of the the money is in razor blades.
9.Yet the few times when I used cheap disposable razors, it was like shaving with a file.
10.The law's opponents reach for different analogies. They compare the iPod not to the Walkman, but to printers, games consoles and razors.