1.to make an agreement official by signing it or formally accepting it
1.China is positively studying ratifying the Protocol and stands ready to join efforts with other parties to promote its early entry in force.
2.He says he thought ratifying the free trade deal was a "shortcut" to trigger the economic growth South Korea urgently needs.
3.Because any country that wants to make a claim under the Law of the Sea must do so within a decade of ratifying it.
4.For now, Europe is working on ratifying the changes made to its economic system at a meeting on July 21.
5.It is enough to make you wonder, yet again, if the treaty was worth ratifying at all.
6.Kerry said that, by ratifying this treaty, the United States will redouble international support for nonproliferation efforts.
7.He adds, however, that the United States can act to improve nuclear security by ratifying the treaty.
8.The good news is that we will not be talking about, negotiating or ratifying another big European treaty for at least a decade.
9.And now Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy, is pressing the UN to go further by ratifying a Universal Moratorium on the death penalty.
10.Ratifying the CTBT would significantly improve our ability to re-energize the international nonproliferation consensus.