1.If it is a yes it will remove one of the last remaining obstacles on the road to ratification of the treaty.
2.Yes, but the leaders have already signed the documents and the ratification process is just a formality at this point.
3.Each appointment or removal of a director shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the next regular or interim Board meeting.
4.The president summoned a bipartisan group of former White House officials to help efforts to gain ratification before the end of the year.
5.While Illinois continued to resist ratification, the ERA marches became one of the defining efforts of the women's movement.
6.federalists---they were those who demanded a strong national system and who later struggle hard for the ratification of the constitution.
7.The yearly import quantity upon ratification shall be valid within the current year, which shall not be carried forward to the next year.
8.If applicant is a foreign legal person or other form of organization, they shall submit related ratification and authentication materials.
9.Lithuania is the first EU member with which the United States has completed our respective domestic ratification processes.
10.And I look forward to working with the United States Senate to achieve ratification for this important treaty later this year.