1.It was this kind of navel gazing that led to its own flotation in 1999, after years of often rancorous debate among the partners.
2.The biggest was its own flotation in 1999, after years of often rancorous debate among the partners.
3.After crushing its reformist opponents, his conservative faction has broken out in increasingly rancorous internal wrangling.
4.The developed world may simply have to resign itself to an adversarial symbiosis with China that grows ever more rancorous with time.
5.And solving the country's major problems in a bipartisan fashion will be difficult under these rancorous circumstances.
6."All right, " was his only reply. He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject.
7.Parliamentary debate turned rancorous, with accusations of bad faith hurled around on live television.
8.For many post-war families retrospection meant, at best, raw feeling and rancorous dispute, at worst, intolerable exposure to guilt.
9.Accordingly, Obama's budget is more of an opening bid in a tough, rancorous negotiation.
10.But the heightened partisanship of recent years has turned that chamber more rancorous and prone to party-line voting .