1.a radioactive substance contains a very harmful form of energy that is produced during nuclear reactions. This energy is called radiation.
1.The company warned that small amounts of radioactive leak could occur during the process, but that the amount would be harmless.
2.and that larger amounts of other radioactive material, from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel, might be used to make a dirty bomb.
3.It had been used for practical ends, to identify elements and to unravel radioactive decay chains.
4.Potassium iodide, also known as the radiation pill, prevents the body's absorption of the radioactive iodine present in reactor emissions.
5.He said the rise could possibly be due to a continuous leak of highly radioactive material from the area around the crippled reactors.
6.He said the likeliest explanation was an emission of radioactive steam from the containment vessel, although that had not been confirmed.
7.While some of these gases are radioactive, they did not pose a significant risk to public safety to even the workers on site.
8.The United Nations agency says they do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substance.
9.The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.
10.Recent rains might have washed radioactive particles into the water, as the Japanese government suggested.