1.happiness that you can see in someone’s appearance or smile
2.bright light that shines from something
1.Description: Allen story into "charismatic radiance" DISCO Performing Arts show it, "A London Story" slow roll bar.
2.When the first light of the rising moon touched the sail, illuminating the boat with pearly radiance, Ruth moved away from him.
3.It was the weather to call out May's radiance, and she burned like a young maple in the frost.
4.Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.
5.In his figurative canvases, an artificial, unflattering radiance, like the glare from a TV screen, seems to flood the imagery from behind.
6.The result was the whiteness which we have mentioned--a whiteness which covered even her lips and her eyes with radiance.
7.that the Risen Christ, who gives himself to us in the Eucharist, may truly shape the whole of our lives by the radiance of his pine love.
8.Each stroke glows and pulsates with radiance, as if the painting itself were a living entity striving to call our attention to its beauty.
9.I feel your presence enter me like the morning sun's early light, filling my memories and dreams of us with a warm and clear radiance.
10.And yet we see around us so much evidence that people are not acting from a place of purity and radiance.