1.in a way that is caused by someone’s race or is related to someone’s race
1.Unlike his daughter, though, he says he did not grow up in a racially mixed society.
2.If I knew nothing about his background and saw him for the first time, I would not assume he is racially mixed.
3.The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South.
4.Humberside Police later found a website featuring racially inflammatory material.
5."There is no longer any doubt as to the educational benefits of racially perse students learning together and from each other, " he said.
6.Despite his criticism of Wright's racially-tinged comments over the years, Obama said he will not disown his former minister.
7.The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black rebels and civilians.
8.We are a racially homogeneous people on the outside, but inside we have become very different as a result of the 63 years of pision.
9.Radio host Don Imus is again apologizing for racially charged comments he made about the Rutgers women's basketball team.
10.In practice, the history of that most racially mixed country of all, the United States, supports this idea.