1.someone who is quadriplegic has an illness or injury that makes them permanently unable to move their body below their neck
1.A quadriplegic woman sailor set off on a solo journey around the British Isles June 16, 2008 in a boat she controls with her breath.
2.If he'd lived, he would've been a quadriplegic.
3.A few months after the accident I had an idea for a short film about a quadriplegic who lives in a dream.
4.I do not believe he thinks critics are as valuable as people who inspire quadriplegic shut-ins to have full lives.
5.She had helped a quadriplegic girl in Xi'an, China, to face her adversity bravely. She even helped Bethesda through her nephew Dan.
6.That same year, he had a surfing accident, which rendered him quadriplegic.
7.Walentin lived for another 18 months as a quadriplegic before finally succumbing to his wounds.
8.I had suffered a spinal cord injury-C4 C5 complete and was quadriplegic paralyzed from my shoulders down.
9.In August 2005 she be-came the first quadriplegic to sail solo across the English Channel.
10.For example, Craig is a C-3 quadriplegic completely paralyzed, he can only move his head.