1.After two years of medical school and a brief period as a photographer, he entered the fashion world as a purchaser for a department store.
2.All delivery orders for the delivery of the collateral goods to the purchaser need to be signed or countersigned by the bank.
3.The bona fide purchaser did not know that the seller was not the legal owner of the goods.
4.The term "paid" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules refers to the receipt of money, goods and any other economic benefit from a purchaser.
5.Do you think for one moment that her seller would approve of her unwillingness to disclose the apartment number to a prospective purchaser.
6.The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier of any claim made against the Bank issuing the Performance Security.
7.This winner's curse is often behind bad acquisitions because the successful purchaser is the bidder most willing to pay too much.
8.as any damage suffered is at the purchaser's risk and is not covered by this guarantee. The purchaser is responsible for all shipping costs.
9.A Supplier's letter attesting that the name and nationality of the carrying vessel have been approved by the Purchaser.
10.Determination of the suitability of this specification for that purpose is the responsibility of the purchaser.