1.a very light gray stone from a volcano; a piece of this stone that you use for rubbing your skin clean and smooth
1.Fragrant Patchouli, Orange Oil and natural Pumice work together to leave skin awakened, invigorated and sublimely soft with a natural glow.
2.The muneca is touched to a bit of pumice on paper. The pumice is then distributed over the surface of the muneca with a finger.
3.Line the bottom inch or two with small rocks or pumice to ensure good drainage.
4.All over Pompeii, people lay down on beds of pumice stones, overwhelmed by the gas, and death came quietly to them.
5."In Guatemala City [the pumice is] unconsolidated, it's loose, " he said.
6.For Herculaneum , during the last 12 hours , Vesuvius hurled in the sky a column of pumice and ash. as times as high as 20 miles.
7.some rocks , like gray volcanic pumice , are laced with air pockets created when gases expanded inside the rock while it was still molten.
8.At last, this article studies the performance of mechanics and durability of those pumice concrete hollow blocks.
9.Pumice is a good choice and is available in the foot care section of many pharmacies .
10.The results indicate that the shape and aperture distributing variability of processed pumice granule.