1.Investors may have thought they were acting prudently at a time when the world seemed to be racing towards monetary Armageddon.
2."Are you OK? " I moved prudently . I was in fear of her action resulted from the anger in her eyes. She was silent and go on staring at me.
3.Asked for comment for this story, BP and Transocean each said it had acted prudently and pointed fingers at the other company.
4.Like this I guard my body prudently. I make an effort to live a life of tranquilness , non-action, joy, peace and composure.
5.A: I understand this is not a simple deal, and all of us have to work it out prudently.
6.A wise man spends his money prudently; a foolish man spends his without thought and is soon penniless. He is 'parted' from his money .
7.Mr Jin said the aim of the new agency was to manage the reserves prudently, but also more "profitably" and "efficiently" .
8.Carrying on the combination by two stations to trade rides, the construction cost of the project is too high, should be prudently used.
9.We should conform to the objective law of urbanization and carry it out actively yet prudently.
10.Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.