1.Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of rage in me eyes and a thirst for revenge in my heart.
2.Still, he did not pass in front of it any more, in obedience to the instinct of timidity and to the instinct of prudence common to lovers.
3.I believe in prudence at least once every two or three years.
4.I was walking up and down in her bedroom, thinking, when Prudence came in.
5.She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.
6.'Enough of this nonsense, ' I told Prudence. 'How much exactly does Marguerite need? '
7.Prudence came down to see us a few days after this and confirmed what Marguerite had told me.
8.Yet prudence about the China of 2030 is no reason to neglect trying to engage today's Chinese military in providing for the global good.
9.Humility and prudence will no doubt prove valuable to such a comprehensive thought process and assist creative innovators.
10.'Where? ' said Prudence, who was staring at me and evidently wondering if this was the same man she had known so much in love.