1.the organ in a man’s body that produces a liquid that combines with and carries sperm
1.Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelling and relieve symptoms.
2.However there was no significant association between sexual activity and prostate cancer in a man's forties.
3.They found a 17% increase in prostate cancer for men who took the vitamin, compared with those who took a placebo.
4.Scientists said the approach may also be used someday to rapidly diagnose damaged hearts and guide the treatment of prostate cancer.
5.Therefore some scientists estimate that this liquid comes from the back part of women's urethra which is like the gland of men's prostate.
6.Large studies indicate that this substance protects against a variety of cancers, including that of the prostate, stomach, and lung.
7.Instead, the test simply reveals how much of the prostate antigen a man has in his blood.
8.It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, primary malignant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al.
9.However, the researchers stress that there was no positive association with prostate cancer risk and any one particular food source.
10.A few years ago I discovered I had a very aggressive form of prostate cancer; I was told it might have spread to my spine.