1.So far you ve seen how to build a simple aspect-oriented profiler with just a few lines of code.
2.A profiler is a program that watches your program and figures out how much time it spends using different calls.
3.A code profiler is a software tool, implemented as a DLL, which is called by the runtime system during the execution of an image.
4.The CLR Profiler enables you to view the managed heap of a process and investigate the behavior of the garbage collector .
5.For further information regarding the dresser, reference should be made to the CNC Profiler manual supplied as a supplement to this manual.
6.YUI Profiler allows you to register functions, class constructors, and objects to be measured.
7.If you are creating an AIR application in Flex Builder, you can use the Profiler to view your application's resource utilization over time.
8.Having spent a considerable portion of my career as an application developer staring at a profiler, I can attest to this.
9.Do not hold a lock while your profiler calls into a CLR function that can trigger a garbage collection.
10.Do not try to copy the batch text by selecting it from the lower pane of the Profiler trace window .