1.pro-active; taking the initiative by acting rather than reacting to events
1.A good sense of teamwork, patience, honesty, responsibility and a strong proactive approach to their work.
2.Good governance is different from good management, which is often tactical and reactive rather than strategic and proactive.
3.Adaptable, proactive, patience, meticulous, a strong sense of responsibility, good team cooperation spirit, has the affinity.
4.This may cause you to stop being proactive and to fall into a habit of being reactive, of waiting for someone else to do something.
5.Labelling is a start, but the government is prepared to look at all proactive options leading up to a total ban.
6.If it does, then it's time to be proactive: Assume people are just as annoyed when your site is slow, and then strive to fix it.
7.Be able to identify at least three reactive sources of data and three proactive sources of data for your project ?
8.What proactive behavior application changes took place in order for an in-house application to work well and be secured in the cloud.
9.You could live a life of simply reacting to what's coming in rather than being proactive in what matters most to you.
10.Bringing something of context to her will show that you not only are attentive, but are proactive about it.