1.Prefetchsize determines the number of pages read from disk during a prefetch request and is usually set to a multiple of the extentsize.
2.In addition, the SET statement is allowed by Adaptive Server Anywhere for the PREFETCH option, for compatibility, but has no effect.
3.The Workers can be used to prefetch data or perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI.
4.The BLOCK clause will reduce the number of rows included in the next prefetch to the BLOCK value.
5.Also, check out my list of web accelerators, which are programs that try to prefetch and cache the sites you are going to visit.
6.The main applications of the active index are to prefetch image and multimedia data, and to facilitate similarity retrieval.
7.This recovery process instantly begins to prefetch dirty pages from the centralized buffer pool into its own local buffer pool.
8.And finally, whenever a user picks a country and region, prefetch the first two pages just in case, as shown in Listing 4.
9.Performance needs to be considered to set important database parameters such as buffer-pool page size, extentsize, and prefetch size.
10.Some pre-processing may also be associated with the data prefetch.