Few of the town's fine buildings predate the earthquake of 1755.
该城那些美的建筑很少是 1755 年大地震前建成的。
1.to exist or happen earlier than someone or something else
2.to write a date on a document that is earlier than the real date, especially on a check or a contract
1.As I drove to her house, I actually had a case of predate jitters! What would we talk about? What if she didn't like the restaurant I chose?
2.Mr Khamenei had already declared such celebrations, which predate Islam, to be religiously unlawful.
3."All, " he writes, "predate the Great Recession. But the available data suggest that the Great Recession has reinforced these trends. "
4.Unlike most of the other droid military units found in the Confederacy, the LM-432 crab droids do not predate the Clone Wars.
5.It says lice are old, predate the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, and must have been living on something.
6.It definitely didn't come to English through French since the Old English citations predate the Norman Conquest.
7.All the numbers come from annual disclosure forms, so they predate the worst of the economic crisis.
8.It is worth noting that the survey of prices predate some of the measures designed to cool the market.
9.Many of these groups predate the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban and tend to remain independent of either group.
10.Geography partly explains the difference: America is spread out, while European cities predate the car.