1.These true seals have a highly polygynous mating system, with a successful male able to impregnate up to 50 females in one season.
2.This is not a complete truism in a polygynous marriage, and is a criticism of monogamous marriages as well.
3.A special kind of polygynous mating system where aggregated males display and females attend primarily for the purpose of fertilisation.
4.Many polygynous marriages have shown considerable variability in the amount of influence and control multiple wives could command.
5.Scientists compared monogamous species with polygynous species, in which each male mates with many females.
6.In today's society, it is not a true portrayal of the animal world, polygynous, the weak one wife for, what to talk about the network love.
7.The low-ranking wives in polygynous marriages should be in worse condition because they get a smaller share of their husband's resources.
8.They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged faster than those of monogamous species.
9.They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged fast er than those of monogamous species.
10.Societies in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean are much more polygynous than the Muslim nations in the Middle East and North Africa.