1.to place pollen from one flower on another flower in order to help it to produce seed
1.It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into pollinating it.
2.The pair co-evolved, so their pollinating parts are a perfect fit, and the night feeder can see the flower in the dark.
3.Cross pollination between lines can be achieved by removing the anthers from one line and pollinating with a second line.
4.Different pollinating species appear to have unique volatile profiles which could account for host-specificity.
5.Bees are directly responsible for pollinating nineteen billion dollars worth of crops each year in the United States alone.
6.It's the first time such a feature has been discovered in plants, which mostly rely on flashy colors to attract pollinating insects.
7.But corn and cotton are insect-cross- pollinating crops, which means that the possibility of such contamination is great.
8.As managed bees take a hit, so too do wild pollinators, whose work pollinating U. S. crops is worth about three billion dollars annually.
9.But for plants that rely on a very specialist pollinator, the loss of its sole pollinating animal still spells doom for the species.
10.The smell is crucial to its survival in its natural habitat because it attracts pollinating carrion beetles and flesh flies.