1.In the end it turned out to be a love letter, one in which I tried to carefully and poetically expresses my fears of and desires for a city.
2.Through it all, the Beijing environmental bureau described the air as "light pollution. " Or, poetically, "fog. "
3.Slightly elated, tries to say poetically buoyant, great thinkers, poets and philosophers wrote down their works.
4.A 1964 act defines wilderness, rather poetically, as "an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammelled by man" .
5."An old tree grows on a cold rock in winter, " replied the monk somewhat poetically.
6.very nobly and poetically. That's what I call a romantic atmosphere.
7.I tried to poetically recreate the story of our first encounter.
8.The reason why we explore it is to call the poetic culture to return, so that we can achieve real poetically dwelling.
9.he developed this latter theme poetically and powerfully in such works as The Man Who Died, The Plumed Serpent, and Lady Chatterley's Lover.
10.In this way, humanity may rid itself of depressive implication and men can habitat poetically on this land.