1.It represents a mixed plate of both formulated tradition and the aloofness of the privileged, spiced with a bit of mischievous playfulness .
2.The delicacy and playfulness of Rococo designs is often seen as a reaction to the excesses of Louis XIV's regime.
3.An airy and innocent playfulness seemed to flicker like the shadow of summer leaves over her children face, and around her buoyant figure.
4.Underneath the playfulness and the "imagination, " Jerlian is telling real storieS of her mindS, of the worldS she sees, and of themselves.
5.You know, elephants have all of the characteristics that we really admire. So they have that playfulness within them.
6.But, aside from the laughter and playfulness, there was something different, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what that difference was.
7.There's nothing like a little playfulness and humor to make your company and your software seem a lot more friendly to your customers.
8.Indeed, playfulness is one of the defining characteristics of the latest generation of suit buyers.
9.That said, Chang faces permeated with a sense of playfulness total.
10.But they did more than this: they managed to infuse the emerging medieval world with a playfulness previously unknown.