1.Allen looked like a frightened deer and was looking at him piteously, begging to be forgiven.
2.First he would send for a poor little mite, who would cry piteously for his mother.
3.They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering.
4.20 year ago, I go out with old mama and piteously entreat old mama: Give me two hair moneys I buy a piece of chocolate?
5.She extended her hands towards him piteously.
6.Sharp ground cry a voice, even appear to cry piteously of cry a voice.
7.'Mayn't I sing them just one LITTLE song? ' he pleaded piteously.
8."In order to go and see the Esmeralda, " replied Jupiter piteously.
9.One year old, to a little child, is only at the beginning of the life crying piteously for food;