1.a large open space in a town, especially an Italian town square
1.ah , " said the count negligently , looking attentively at morcerf , " is there not something like an execution upon the piazza del popolo ?
2.and take me to Piazza Navona, where we still might be able to stop it.
3."No one walking down St. Charles Street after Katrina could imagine how much the city has come back, " said New Orleans novelist Tom Piazza.
4.I spent at least two hours walking around the interior and the surrounding Piazza, taking in the visual and historical feast before me.
5.performance that spills off the flank of a pre-existing palace into a low, irregular piazza.
6.Piazza San Marco appears to have been a spectacular arena back then.
7.The rest of Rome is also just minutes away due to the Metro stop located just around the corner at Piazza Barberini.
8.Siena's main piazza was one of the sights of Italy.
9.Monsieur Bertuccio, " said the count, " you have procured me windows looking on the piazza Del. Popolo, as I ordered you yesterday.
10.jardine s crescent is a piazza in the heart of causeway bay . small hawker stalls sell inexpensive costumes and commodities.