1.the belief that you should help people, especially by giving money to those who need it
1.Philanthropy is where the power (and the fun) is. And you don't have to be a billionaire (or millionaire, for that matter) to participate.
2.Philanthropy has always been a balance between raising money and raising awareness for a cause.
3.The ideals of philanthropy and giving back in many forms to those in need are the spirit of the human instinct to help others.
4.Today, venture philanthropy tends to be aligned with the goals of venture capitalists who are engaged in their investments.
5."I think in the next three or four years, there's going to be huge growth, " she said, "because philanthropy has become mainstream. "
6.Given how much money Mr Peterson has made that seems implausible, but it hints at something underlying much business philanthropy.
7.So why, if welfare statism is still with us on such a scale, are we now entering a third golden age of philanthropy?
8."It's fairly dramatic -- he's trying to change the face of global philanthropy, but it started in a fairly parochial way. "
9.Other observers will have other views of impact, but no matter how you define it, impact is what good philanthropy is all about.
10.That, at least, is the early experience of an initiative to teach philanthropy to young teenagers.