1.For an invention to be patentable it must not be obvious 'to one of ordinary skill in the art'.
2.If you've got a concept or invention which might be patentable, then the only person you probably want to talk to is a lawyer.
3.An improvement of something already patented, including a new use for an old product, may be patentable as a new process.
4.Thus, results that might be patentable can be obtained only through additional studies not connected with the HapMap Project.
5.The results that may be patentable from such inventions could then be transferred to the private sector of that particular country.
6.Scientists who may be doing patentable work have special obligations to the sponsors of that work.
7.For an invention to be patentable it must be 'statutory, new, and useful'.
8.But even if something fulfils these criteria, if it is a discovery of nature it is not an invention and, therefore, not patentable.
9.But according to Antheil, Kettering himself suggested that he and Lamarr develop their idea to the point of being patentable .
10.The Court decided that it was not patentable, because it lacked the characteristics of an invention.