1.to examine and describe the grammar of a sentence or a particular word in a sentence
1.For very large parsed documents, such a two-step approach might be inefficient, but I find it easier to understand code written this way.
2.You then pass these methods (in the form of a handler) to the parser, along with a document to be parsed.
3.Second, the language has been designed to be easy to analyze and can be parsed without a symbol table.
4.Unless otherwise noted, the number of characters parsed may be from zero to the implementation-defined maximum length of a counted string.
5.In a bit of Perl shorthand, the array of field names and the array of parsed fields is combined into a hash.
6.The syntax depends on the data provider, and the connection string is parsed during the attempt to open a connection.
7.This chain of dependencies can quickly run into a large number of plugin. xml files to be parsed starting from the user-selected plug-in.
8.The XML response cannot be sent directly to the user; it needs to be parsed in a way that the user can read.
9.Contrast this to HTML parsing which has always been asynchronous so that parts of the document become available as they're parsed.
10.Check to see that the document was successfully parsed.