1.a person, organization, or country that others dislike and avoid
1.He had been known as the ruthless leader of a pariah state, a butcher, a delusional man porced from reality.
2.And to root out of his mind the idea of caste superiority, he cleaned a pariah's house with his long and neglected hair.
3.Paul Parish came out to me, too, and was mortally afraid of being branded a social pariah.
4.Third, North Korea is not just a fellow pariah to Myanmar, it is a partner, perhaps even in the clandestine trade in the nuclear black arts.
5.BEGGING for government help would have made you a pariah in most parts of the high-tech industry a few months ago.
6.If Iran does not halt its nuclear programme, its rulers should expect their country to be treated as an international pariah.
7.In recent years, only the pariah government of Burma and a few rebel groups have laid significant numbers of mines.
8.Work colleagues, who may formerly have been friendly and supportive, melt away and the target is left feeling like a pariah and an outcast.
9.Sanctions, and worries over reputational risk about operating in a pariah country, have been major investment deterrents.
10.Several years ago, Libya was primed to dole out some of the billions the oil state held in cash during its time as an international pariah.