1.通讯中用以代表字母 P 的词
1.your father. In British English, this word is very old-fashioned or formal, but in American English it is a common word.
1.He said to his father, "Papa, it must be an auto kindergarten here? "
2.Oh, but I love it here, Papa; you know I do. If only Newland could stay I should like it a thousand times better than New York.
3.It would be very hard upon Mr. Weston if she did not, papa.
4." Wheres Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.
5."You see, Papa, " I said, "he's watching me right now, just waiting for me to set my traps. "
6."Papa, " she said, wiping some salad oil from her mouth. "You shouldn't have broken our courtship. "
7.I'd like to know when you and papa are going to think I'm old enough to go anywhere without you both.
8.Mama came running out of the house. She stood near the door waiting for Papa. She held her hands against her heart.
9.His papa started to get mad at him - you know how papas do sometimes.
10.Papa did not answer. She held the door open and he marched into the house. Mama followed him.