1.a very thin book with a paper cover, usually given free to people
1.In this case, you want to restrict the definition of a Pamphlet, which is similar to a Book in every way except that it has no author.
2.And now he had got another pair of cases, and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work.
3.It is only a pamphlet, but for all that, it is the best book on biochemistry.
4.Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation.
5.He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet I had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the public sector.
6.I'll leave this pamphlet with you, and if you'd like more information, here's my card, you can call me any time.
7.There were a few pamphlets on the table about Haj and Umrah and one of the women reached for one pamphlet and started reading it aloud.
8.He has extracted out of that pamphlet a few notorious falsehoods .
9.The latest contribution comes from the London-based Centre for European Reform in the form of a pamphlet entitled: Will the Eurozone Crack?
10.This intensive, adrenalin-fuelled, intellectual focus produced what was to become the world's best-selling political pamphlet.