1.It has been shown in the published literature, and consistent with our work, that hydroperoxides are the major allergen in oxidised rosin.
2.Maderized: Tasting term used to indicate a wine that has become over-mature, oxidised, and with a cooked taste.
3.Their results revealed that the protein is oxidised and changes shape to permit ready access to angiotensinogen by an enzyme, renin.
4.Methane is a potent greenhouse gas but much of it is oxidised into CO2 when it is released from hydrate deposits.
5.Ions passing through the membrane, as one solution is reduced and the other oxidised, create a current which powers an external circuit.
6.In a direct-methanol fuel cell (DMFC) the methanol is oxidised at the anode in the presence of liquid water.
7.Over time these tannins are polymerised and this benefits colour stability as less colour pigments are oxidised as opposed to tannins.
8.(The iron gets oxidised in the process. ) Any biodegradable contaminants that remain are then neutralised by the second step.
9.Bitumen and bituminous binders - Framework for specification of oxidised bitumens.
10.Enamel-stripping, acidic, sulphured and oxidised wines are a thing of the past.