1.to get rid of information in a computer file by replacing it with other information
1.To reduce the chance of overwriting the current file with just a portion of it, the current filename is not the default in this mode.
2.or formatting has been removed. If you want to save the file, give it a new name to avoid overwriting the original file.
3.Each test page is loaded into a separate window, preventing application code from overwriting the test framework code via open classes.
4.Password security does not prevent overwriting the media by formatting it or by using it for a continuation tape.
5.Tell the daemon that the next HotSync should copy all data from the PC to the Handheld, overwriting entries on the Handheld.
6.The actual raw contents of the files are always present even if the file has been deleted and waits overwriting by the operating system.
7.Was copied to %2, overwriting an existing file that had a more recent date or was in a different language.
8.Even if your module is coded well, it might behave incorrectly due to a coexisting module doing some memory overwriting.
9.To avoid this issue, we recommend that you set the event log size to maximum and that you allow overwriting.
10.but if you write to a field in one variant and then to a field in another variant, you may be overwriting your own data.