1.a description of the main features of something
2.knowledge of the main features of something
1.Geoff Jones: The purpose of this book is to provide a state-of-the-art overview of business history research worldwide.
2.Here's an overview of the tools we use, and how much money we've managed to save.
3.The overview of pair of SAE whole frameworks is above, bat around then we go up in framework design a few specific think dot.
4.If you're not sure you're ready to pe into this depth, take a look at my not-so-nitty-gritty overview.
5.It's just what has worked well for me and to give an overview of how much work and how many parts go into a game engine.
6.Check back in for the next installment of this series in which you'll get a comprehensive overview of database development using schemas.
7.Once again, keep in mind that this article serves mainly as an overview; we ll go into greater detail in the second part of the series.
8.This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities.
9.As you can see from this overview, developing an effective transaction strategy is not always a straightforward task.
10.OVERVIEW: This was an action to recover possession of a tract of land to which both plaintiff and defendant asserted title.