1.relating to a woman’s ovaries
1.Ovarian cancer is known as a "silent killer" because it is usually discovered too late to save a woman's life.
2.The number of ovarian follicles with which women are invested from birth and the rate of decline determine their reproductive lifespan.
3.This hormone has been used for a long time to help women who are infertile or to stop premature ovarian failure.
4.It was the first mummy to be subjected to a scientific autopsy, and Granville concluded that she died of ovarian cancer.
5.The gross and microscopic appearance of an ovarian dysgerminoma is essentially the same as a seminoma of the testis in a male.
6.This may suggest that ovarian transplantation has no damage to the spermatogenesis of male recipient mice at the molecular level.
7."The test shows that you are very healthy, but your wife has underdeveloped ovarian and congenital uterine anomaly. " I told him calmly.
8.Because of her work, Cooney knew to ask for palliative care when she was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer nearly three years ago.
9.Methods The CT appearances in 11 cases of ovarian gonadal sex cord stromal tumor, which had been proved by operation, were analyzed.
10.The mediastinal teratoma contained small areas of pancreatic tissue, whereas the ovarian teratomas did not show any pancreatic tissue.