1.to defeat or gain an advantage over someone by being more clever or skillful than they are
1.The variant of outmanoeuvre
1.What now? A momentary flame of fury burst in Dooku as he thought of his old friend on his ship, laughing at how he'd outmaneuvered him.
2.You outmaneuvered me. You deliberately let me win, counting on the fact That Cyndi Lauper would prey on my emotions.
3.Goading the fiery-tempered young man throughout the duel, Dooku thought he had the upper hand until Anakin outmaneuvered him.
4.Washington must understand this, or find itself constantly outmaneuvered in dealings with the rest of the world.
5.Wen outmaneuvered the West again and again -- on clean energy, rare-earth metals, currencies, blame for global imbalances, you name it.
6.'The regime has discovered there is a whole flank they can be outmaneuvered on so they have come in hard.
7.With an army of some 15, 000 to 18, 000 troops, Jackson repeatedly outmaneuvered a superior Union force of more than 60, 000 men.