1.Thus keeping as many habitats within conservations and national parks can be a panacea in terms of the protection of orang.
2.And Malay folklore describes another small, humanlike being known as the orang pendek that supposedly dwells on Sumatra to this day.
3.The indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia are known as Orang Asli, which literally means "original man" .
4.The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage.
5.Animals with robust jaws, like gorillas and orang-utans, have long been known to be adapted to eating foods that require a lot of chewing.
6.Two baby orang-utans and a lion cub have become the latest victims of China's contaminated milk crisis.
7.Church board had decided to donate some money to Persatuan Orang Buta and Agape Counseling Group.
8.Rescued orang-utans, of whom more than 300 are in her care centre in the park, could be freed without danger to the wild population.
9.Ever since the anatomic homo sapiens intruded Southeast Asia 40, 000 years ago, human beings has been the hunters and competitors of orang.
10.Red and yellow, and pink and green, purple and orang and blue.