1.A partial method is usually defined in a partial class file and is optionally implemented in the regular class file.
2.You could optionally specify the name of the table for the class, or implement the convention where you use the same name as the class.
3.The sketch can be abandoned at this point, or kept to investigate other areas and optionally to track elements to be authored.
4.last time he told me how much he paid for his wife's open car . pls mention it optionally.
5.Declares the beginning of a Using block and optionally acquires the system resources that the block controls.
6.Optionally, at least a portion ofthe silica is removed from the surface to placing the article in service.
7.Optionally, if you use a popular UNIX variant, you can likely find pre-built binaries ready to install on your distribution.
8.You can optionally supply the name of a custom dictionary and a Boolean value indicating whether you want to ignore case.
9.Liu Meng Li: that day, in the yard of the Lius, I talked with you optionally. . . . . . now when I reminded of it, I still feel very happy.
10.On the next pop-up, you can optionally have the system remember the password so that you do not need to type it each time.