Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.
This model comes with a number of optional extras(= things you can choose to have but which you will have to pay extra for) .
1.something that is optional is available or possible if you want it, but you do not have to have it or do it
1.The new lock-in offer is part of a series of optional add-ons airlines have been rolling out in an effort to increase revenue.
2.The owner of each end point decides how much optional information to provide with the endpoint URL.
3.After a join hint is specified, the INNER keyword is no longer optional and must be explicitly stated for an INNER JOIN to be performed.
4.In some smaller restaurants with fewer people dining, like the case of a couple of diners, the measure's adoption could be optional.
5.In fact, for one-to-one associations that are optional on both end, the code generated by the wizard is all we need.
6.A few days before a big social-science exam, the instructor informed us that he would hold an optional review session the next day.
7.This optional view appears at the bottom edge of a screen and contains segments that activate different modes in the application.
8.If you don't want the active rule to be reevaluated, you should include the rule's optional no-loop attribute and give it a value of true.
9.An optional step at this point may be to create a link aggregation device, commonly referred to as the LNAGG device.
10.Finally, while a dangling lure is optional, being hungry, Dr. Wilson says, at least metaphorically, "probably helps quite a bit. "